
go2HR is a BC tourism and hospitality human resource and health & safety association. Amid a turbulent hospitality industry, go2HR is looking to reposition itself in the marketplace as the primary source of human resource, health and safety, training, and research services for BC’s tourism and hospitality industry by increasing awareness and its reputation, offering relevant and effective services and growing revenue streams.

In this website redesign case study, we’ll outline how this new strategic website for go2HR met their needs of a streamlined, user-friendly, customer-centric platform that is SEO catered and assists in their partnership and stakeholder communications. They also wanted to increase brand and reputation awareness, show their service offerings, and grow revenue streams.


bounce rate reduction


increase in time spent on site


website traffic


There are many opportunities to optimize go2HR’s current site to support modern digital marketing. Pace Creative will help audit go2HR’s current pages, edit the content to support SEM, and ensure there are clear journeys through the website for clients to achieve goals.

Pace Creative intends to strengthen go2HR as a thought leader, understand traffic trends and opportunities for improvement, optimize site content, improve technical performance, optimize resources, and plan for improved regionalization to increase returned users.

  • How to support the user experience through customer-centric content?
  • How to optimize the site to be SEO-friendly?
  • How to transform a brochure website into a strategic user-centric useful primary source for human resource, health and safety, training, and research services for BC’s tourism and hospitality industry?
  • How to transform the text-heavy content into visual communication that resonates with the audience it’s educating?


Full Website Audit

Pace Creative’s website audit for go2HR provided insight into what the next steps were for our SEO strategy.

We focused on key factors such as:

  • Keyword strategy
  • Title tag
  • SERP description
  • H1 and headers
  • Use of word on page
  • Content length on page
  • URL
  • Image descriptions

We found that go2HR wasn’t targeting keywords and that we needed to update the page titles to align with the primary keyword on each page. We further optimized the website based on our audit by observing the SERP descriptions and how to entice users to click them. Our website audit emphasized the need for consistency in each aspect of our SEO strategy, such as aligning the headings with the keyword on the page and consistently applying the keyword in the content on the page.

Our website audit allowed us to determine how to proceed with our SEO strategy and optimize go2HR’s website.

Website Redesign Case Study

Pace Creative divided the website into three aspects. public-facing website optimization, secured website login, and additional website content development. This strategy facilitated better organization and increased the SEO-friendliness of the website. Pace Creative implemented a website design that would establish go2HR’s online brand with a new look and feel and page design that includes UX best practices.

SEO Strategy

To improve the company’s online presence and website traffic, Pace Creative developed a targeted keyword strategy and SEO plan for all strategic landing pages. This focus on SEO ensured go2HR’s website was primed for better search rankings and stand out online in the hospitality industry.

Content Strategy

The content strategy provided by Pace Creative entailed a shift from text-heavy to visually appealing communication. This change helped engage the website’s audience and made the website more user-centric. The content is presented in a way that drives users to act which in turn has increased go2HR’s leads and conversions. In addition, brand positioning was a key factor in our content strategy as our goal is to establish go2HR as a thought leader in the tourism industry.

Website Development

We presented an optimized site map and navigation to organize all the article topics into a user-friendly experience, so the content is easy to find. We wanted to optimize the site content, structure, and functionalities.

We also integrated custom tools like the career exploration tool and the career quiz.

Website Performance Tracking

We would measure the success of the website by tracking the bounce rate, time on site, and new visitors. The goal would be to increase our visitors, improve our bounce rate, and increase the time on site. In addition, we would monitor the SEO of the website.


  • Increase organic website traffic (increased returning vs new traffic)
  • Increase time spent on site (currently 1.04 seconds)
  • Bounce rate decreased from 82% to 70%
  • Improve user experience for visitors
  • Increase attendance for training programs
  • Labour Recovery campaign, launched in March 2023, led to hundreds of new users getting acquainted with the job board

This website redesign case study demonstrates the benefits of a well-rounded approach to website development and digital marketing in the hospitality and tourism industry.

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