Strategic Sitemap
Pace Creative started by creating a strategic sitemap that included all the necessary sections and was designed to lead users through the content to lead them to The Dairy Farmers of Manitoba’s main focuses – events, membership, and programs.
The sitemap conveyed the journey for each stakeholder focusing on the usability and flow of the content on each page and across the different sections of the website
Identifying Key Personas
We made the website user-focused, and our team identified key personas and profiles that would visit the website to gather information.
Website Audit
Pace Creative audited all the information and reorganized it in a way to simplify the online journey for each stakeholder.
SEO Strategy
We educated the internal communication and marketing team on the benefits of organic SEO and how content, as well as specific keywords, can impact the overall website positively. We developed meta tags that included SEO titles, slugs, and meta descriptions for each recipe page on the DFM website.
Strategic Content Development
Pace Creative removed and streamlined all the duplicated content. The content highlighted custom Calls to Action on each page to improve the conversion rate, reduce the bounce rate, and ensure the content flow was logical. The new content focused on community stories and videos to create content that resonates with farmers.
Brand and Website Design
We partnered with Humanity to develop a bold look for the website while following the brand style guide and brand architecture. They designed the website while we implemented the designs into development.